About Ann McCormick

As I write this sitting at my kitchen table with a cup of tea I am remembering the first time I heard the words “Herb ‘n Cowgirl.” I was on a plane with my husband as we travelled to our new home in Fort Worth.

We had been discussing the new business I hoped to start and were playing with words to find a name for this venture. He started jotting ideas down on one of the airline napkins. Some of the ideas were awful but nestled among them was the name I finally decided on – Herb ‘n Cowgirl. Somehow it fitted with our new life in the Lone Star State.

Ever since I picked up that first pot of basil over 30 years ago, I’ve been on a journey through time and space learning about herbs – how to grow them, where they came from, and how many ways they can be used and enjoyed. Now with the creation of my business I was on a mission to spread the news about the joy of herbs.

The question now is how can I help you learn about growing and enjoying herbs in your home? That’s what I want to do with this website, my newsletter, social media posts, and online classes. Join me as together we learn about herbs and make our lives more in harmony with the world God has created.

About Ann McCormick

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